Friday Afternoon Video: the Penny Blossom Web Site
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Yes, it's from Season 2, but it's a classic. And what is a blog without a clip about web design from The Big Bang Theory? One of my favorite scenes, obv.
Japan starts putting radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in the sea.
<a href=></a>
Scientists treat the water. They say that the water is safe now. But the radioactive isotope tritium is still in the water. It is too difficult to take out.
People in South Korea protest. They worry about a bad impact on fishing. More than 50,000 people meet in South Korea’s capital. They ask the government to do something. But the government says that the water is not dangerous for fish.
Difficult words: radioactive (producing strong and dangerous energy which comes from the breaking up of atoms), nuclear power plant (a factory which makes electricity by breaking small things called atoms), isotope (a different form of the same element).
You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.
1. Ripper Casino - Multiple permanent promotions <a href= casino </a>
Party Casino has been operating since 1997 and has two official licenses. The gaming lobby features games from several major providers at once, but the total number of titles is relatively small - about 1,000. Gamblers from Canada are attracted by the pleasant interface in English and the possibility of creating a ruble account.The virtual casino Ripper Casino does not have a license and is aimed at players from Canada and the CIS. Gamblers from Western and Central European countries are not allowed to register on the site and open an account. The casino attracts customers with a no deposit bonus, its own jackpot system and regular tournaments. However, despite the positive feedback from players on the Web, playing slot machines at Ripper Casino Casino for money is not recommended.Many gamblers from Canada like to play slots at Cadoola Casino for money, as it belongs to one well-known operator who can be trusted. The company has a valid license, offers original software, attractive bonuses, a multi-level loyalty program and many other benefits. The operator allows beginners to play slot machines for free without replenishing their account.
Unreasonable bonus abuse restrictions and irregular play include low margin, equal, zero risk bets or hedge betting; increasing the balance and then changing your gaming pattern significantly (bet size, game type, bet structure) to complete any wagering requirements of a bonus; using any betting system or placing even money bets on Baccarat, Roulette, Sic Bo, Craps and / or Wheels of Riches
VIP program with redeemable points
Multi-channeled customer support available
Good customer service
2. PlayOJO Casino - Players from the US welcomed
Casino PlayOJO Casino has been operating since 2018 and has already earned a positive reputation among gamblers. The site with a English-language interface contains more than 3,000 gambling games and a detailed bonus program. It is safe to play slot machines at PlayOJO Casino Casino for money, which confirms that the operator has a Maltese license.Casino 888 attracts the attention of players due to the promoted brand and the positive reputation of the owner company. The total number of customers exceeds 25 million people. It is focused mainly on players from Western countries, but it also has a English-language interface.Online casino PM Casino is a low-quality clone of the well-known Parimatch brand that has nothing to do with it. The creators simply copied the design of the famous site and offered the players a promising bonus program. In fact, the only thing that can be found in the casino is unlicensed software. The operator offers services exclusively to residents of USA, and players from other countries are blocked from accounts without a refund.
VIP club can only be accessed by invitation
Caters to casual players
Various promotions
A VIP club with comp points
3. Casino Action - Excellent 24/7 customer service <a href= online casino </a>
This site with video slots and other games is a dark horse in the field of gambling entertainment. The project owners decided not to publish information about the license and the legal address of the company. This is alarming for some site visitors, but in fact, you can play Apex Spin slot machines for money without fear - this is confirmed by multiple positive customer reviews.The official site Casino Action Casino is fully focused on the English-speaking segment of the gambling audience. It belongs to a domestic operator, which did not add other localization options (not even English). When the site was just launched, the owners focused on the bonus program. It turned out to be the most profitable and attractive for beginners. Gradually, the situation began to deteriorate, and customers massively stopped playing slot machines at the Avro casino for money.The official website of Casino Casino Action is a relatively young project launched in the spring of 2020. For the design, the owners chose a non-standard motorsport theme for their segment, which is involved to one degree or another on all pages. The original style, unusual setting and various bonuses attract many players.
The casino has the right to limit or refuse a wager
Withdrawals processed in less than 24 hours
Multiple tools and tips for responsible gambling available
Minimum deposit is €10 or currency equivalent
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Japan starts putting radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in the sea.
<a href=></a>
Scientists treat the water. They say that the water is safe now. But the radioactive isotope tritium is still in the water. It is too difficult to take out.
People in South Korea protest. They worry about a bad impact on fishing. More than 50,000 people meet in South Korea’s capital. They ask the government to do something. But the government says that the water is not dangerous for fish.
Difficult words: radioactive (producing strong and dangerous energy which comes from the breaking up of atoms), nuclear power plant (a factory which makes electricity by breaking small things called atoms), isotope (a different form of the same element).
You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.
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1. Ripper Casino - Multiple permanent promotions <a href= casino </a>
Party Casino has been operating since 1997 and has two official licenses. The gaming lobby features games from several major providers at once, but the total number of titles is relatively small - about 1,000. Gamblers from Canada are attracted by the pleasant interface in English and the possibility of creating a ruble account.The virtual casino Ripper Casino does not have a license and is aimed at players from Canada and the CIS. Gamblers from Western and Central European countries are not allowed to register on the site and open an account. The casino attracts customers with a no deposit bonus, its own jackpot system and regular tournaments. However, despite the positive feedback from players on the Web, playing slot machines at Ripper Casino Casino for money is not recommended.Many gamblers from Canada like to play slots at Cadoola Casino for money, as it belongs to one well-known operator who can be trusted. The company has a valid license, offers original software, attractive bonuses, a multi-level loyalty program and many other benefits. The operator allows beginners to play slot machines for free without replenishing their account.
Unreasonable bonus abuse restrictions and irregular play include low margin, equal, zero risk bets or hedge betting; increasing the balance and then changing your gaming pattern significantly (bet size, game type, bet structure) to complete any wagering requirements of a bonus; using any betting system or placing even money bets on Baccarat, Roulette, Sic Bo, Craps and / or Wheels of Riches
VIP program with redeemable points
Multi-channeled customer support available
Good customer service
2. PlayOJO Casino - Players from the US welcomed
Casino PlayOJO Casino has been operating since 2018 and has already earned a positive reputation among gamblers. The site with a English-language interface contains more than 3,000 gambling games and a detailed bonus program. It is safe to play slot machines at PlayOJO Casino Casino for money, which confirms that the operator has a Maltese license.Casino 888 attracts the attention of players due to the promoted brand and the positive reputation of the owner company. The total number of customers exceeds 25 million people. It is focused mainly on players from Western countries, but it also has a English-language interface.Online casino PM Casino is a low-quality clone of the well-known Parimatch brand that has nothing to do with it. The creators simply copied the design of the famous site and offered the players a promising bonus program. In fact, the only thing that can be found in the casino is unlicensed software. The operator offers services exclusively to residents of USA, and players from other countries are blocked from accounts without a refund.
VIP club can only be accessed by invitation
Caters to casual players
Various promotions
A VIP club with comp points
3. Casino Action - Excellent 24/7 customer service <a href= online casino </a>
This site with video slots and other games is a dark horse in the field of gambling entertainment. The project owners decided not to publish information about the license and the legal address of the company. This is alarming for some site visitors, but in fact, you can play Apex Spin slot machines for money without fear - this is confirmed by multiple positive customer reviews.The official site Casino Action Casino is fully focused on the English-speaking segment of the gambling audience. It belongs to a domestic operator, which did not add other localization options (not even English). When the site was just launched, the owners focused on the bonus program. It turned out to be the most profitable and attractive for beginners. Gradually, the situation began to deteriorate, and customers massively stopped playing slot machines at the Avro casino for money.The official website of Casino Casino Action is a relatively young project launched in the spring of 2020. For the design, the owners chose a non-standard motorsport theme for their segment, which is involved to one degree or another on all pages. The original style, unusual setting and various bonuses attract many players.
The casino has the right to limit or refuse a wager
Withdrawals processed in less than 24 hours
Multiple tools and tips for responsible gambling available
Minimum deposit is €10 or currency equivalent
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You can choose your desired withdrawal option, and you ll get your winnings within 30 minutes at max. The retail lotto is one of the oldest forms of gambling in New York. Expire within 24 Hours. Source: <a href=
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