Drupal 8 Online Training

Are you gearing up for Drupal 8? With a release candidate just around the corner, D8 will be with us before we know it...and most of us will need some training to get up to speed with all its changes. Luckily, help is here!
Are you gearing up for Drupal 8? With a release candidate just around the corner, D8 will be with us before we know it...and most of us will need some training to get up to speed with all its changes. Luckily, help is here!
A few weeks ago I decided to rebuild this blog from scratch. It had been literally years since I'd posted, so I figured I'd include just a few of the last entries. Also, Drupal 8 was in beta and I'm impatient. Why not build a brand new site in 8.0.0-beta9?, I thought. How hard could it be?
It's been a good, long while since I wrote a blog post. Between work and family, there just hasn't been time. I've been super busy for months now, but not without some benefits.
It's taken me a couple of weekends and late nights, but I finally upgraded this blog to Drupal 5.1. Upgrading should probably be tedious, but the truth is I enjoy it. It's a good excuse to clean up some of the dumb mistakes I made in the last go 'round and have been putting off correcting. Like a digital version of spring cleaning, I shook the dust out of the old modules, sorted through and tossed out the junk that's been piling up over the winter, and generally gave the whole place a good scrub and polish. There's something very satisfying about sitting in the middle of a spic-and-span, orderly Drupal site.
Now that I've worked on a few projects with Drupal v4.7, I have to say that I'm impressed as all get-out with it. Personally, I can't think of any reason not to use it on a majority of projects. But Drupal is my personal preference, and I'm not sure it would be the best one for everyone.